Please use this form to submit your name OR someone else's name for the MNC Holiday Chorus. 

In 2024, we will share the sounds of the season in a Holiday Performance at the TN State Museum on Saturday, December 7 and a Live Holiday Performance on our social media on Tuesday, December 10.  

You are invited to join us for rehearsal on Tuesday, December 3 and also one or both of the performances.  Please complete the form below for more information. 

This form expresses your interest, so that more information can be sent to you. 
No commitment or obligation. Thanks!

Your name or the the name of the person you think would enjoy Holiday Chorus
If submitting for yourself type "same"
Submitter's email - in case we have questions
Has the singer participated in MNC's Holiday Chorus in previous years?
If you were referred by an MNC member or have a friend in the chorus please share their name; if not: "n/a"
Entering a number reduces email "bot" submissions- thanks!