November 16, 2024 St John's Lutheran Church

MNC’s YWISH Festival is a Day of Singing, Dancing & New Friendships

The Youth Working In Song & Harmony (YWISH) Festival hosted by MNC is a one-day workshop designed to introduce treble clef singers (ages 14 through 25) to learning and performing music in the a cappella style. The festival will be held on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. (Check in at 8:30am) Participants will take part in workshops and rehearsals, enjoy lunch and dinner together, and then perform YWISH music selections on an MNC performance at 7pm that evening. St. John is located at 3259 McGavock Pk, Nashville, TN 37214.

We are excited to have Kim Wonders and Natalie Allen of the Metro Nashville Chorus as Festival Clinicians. Kim and Natalie are music educators and have a wealth of experience in coaching and directing women’s choruses and quartets. During the day, this team will work with festival participants on three music selections to introduce the barbershop craft including choreography.

We will award the Vickie Wonders Foltz Memorial Scholarship at the YWISH Festival - information and application are available here.

This event is made possible, in part, by grants from Sweet Adelines International and Robert K. and Anne H. Zelle Fund for Fine and Performing Arts of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.

Registration deadline is 10/1/24
Click here to sign up for email reminders and other news about YWISH


Participants who will be UNDER age 18 on 11/16/24, please click here to submit the YOUTH REGISTRATION WEBFORM.  
Participants who are 18 years of age or older, please submit the ADULT REGISTRATION WEBFORM.

Teachers/Chaperones who will attend, please submit the YWISH OBSERVER WEBFORM.

Participants who will be UNDER age 18 on 11/16/24 must submit a CONSENT AND RELEASE FORM signed by parent or guardian.
Participants (and observers) who are 18 years of age or older must submit a signed RELEASE FORM.
Both forms also include medical information and emergency contacts - which will be kept safe during and destroyed after the festival.

You may submit the registration fee ($25) by mail or with the secure PayPal link below.  Please be SURE to indicate the participant name so we can match your payment to your registration form.

YWISH Participant Name


Click here to sign up for email reminders and other news about YWISH!

Photos from past festivals and more information about the festival are also posted at  YWISH on Facebook  - Like the YWISH Facebook page to join in the conversation!