Kim started directing MNC in 1988, so this year marks her 25th year as our director, leader and friend! On August 25th, we had a terrific party - you can see more photos here (The event was held in an amazing horse barn - in case you're wondering about the hay in some photos). We enjoyed each other companies, viewed photos of Kim and the chorus over the decades, and heard from several long-time friends as well as Kim herself. If you would like to congratullate Kim on her Silver Anniversary and good luck on the NEXT 25 years - please leave a comment below!.
25 Years!!!
Congratulations!!! Boy oh boy, when first started this we were young! lol
Time sure flies when we are having fun!
You are AWESOME!!!
Kim, I have known you for so many years and it's been such a delight to see you grow and become one of the best directors and coach that SAI has. MANY congratulations on your 25th anniversary as director of MNC, my dear friend. And here's to 25 more!! Love you!
What a lucky chorus to have had you all to themselves for 25 years! (We know that you feel that you're the lucky one!) Thank you for the fabulous coaching we enjoyed recently in Charlotte, NC! We certainly feel blessed and wish you and your chorus more 25-year anniversaries together!
With love,
Liz, Susan, Sue & Kim
Kim's Anniversary
There's 25 more years to go for the Golden!!!
25 years!
Congratulations to a great director and coach! 25 years! Wow! While I've never sung in MNC, I've followed you and the chorus since the first time I heard you after coming into Region 23 in 1993. What a wonderful journey you and MNC have been, and still are, on.... It's been wonderful being able to watch you going up the Sweet Adeline ladder! Would love to have been along for the ride! Even though we're not in the same region anymore, will still be following your successes! Love you guys!
25 years! thats great (you must have started at a verrry young age!) I have enjoyed your coaching our chorus so I know you have some skills! Heres to 25 more.
Congratulations, Kim! That's an incredible achievement! Your chorus is lucky to have you and I have enjoyed being in Region 23 with you for most of those years and benefiting from your talents. Here's to the next 25 years!
Congrats Kim and MNC for 25 years of fun, laughter, sweat and hard work. Your chorus has become a model for all of us small choruses out there who want to sing solid and ring those chords!
Blessings to you.
Riverport Chorus, Region 3
Congratulations to Kim and MNC
A perfect pairing to hear and see
is the great Kim Wonders and MNC!
For 25 years they've truly grown
to this mighty fine chorus that we have known!
Their true symbiosis has raised their score,
so Kim and MNC, give us 25 more!
Happy Anniversary Kim
Congratulations on 25 years! I'll be lifting my glass to you. Never had so much fun at a Yahara River Chorus retreat than when you joined us for our martini bar after retreat coaching on Friday night. Here is the recipe for the "Saniflush Wonder" martini.
1 oz premium gin, 1/2 oz blue curacao liqueur, juice of 1 clemetine orange, and a splash of club soda. Serve over ice with good friends!
Here's to 25 more!
Bonnie Plumley - Yahara River Chorus Madison, Wisconsin
Thanks for being your WONDERful self every time you come to visit and coach! Congratulations and best wishes for another 25 years!
You are the best!!!
What an accomplishment!!!
Super huge congratulations to you, and to Metro Nashville Chorus, on your 25 years together! You have been so fun to watch and to learn from - hope you have another 25 years together!
Amy :)
Hi Ho Silver!
How wonderful that you've been directing MNC for 25 years and still look like a "teeny bopper"! Bayou Blend has loved having you as our coach in the past and hopefully in the future as well. I know that MNC has prospered under your leadership. Seeing your chorus at IES, at International, and at Region 23's Summer SINGsation has added joy to my Sweet Adeline life. Congratulations on the first 25 and "Go for the Gold"!
Karen Bernard - Bayou Blend Chorus - Region 10 -
Way to go!!
Congratulations on 25 wonderful years! What an incredible accomplishment and testimony - here's to another 25! :)
All the best,
Jessica Edwards
(Rich-Tone Chorus)
25 years!!!!!!
Congrats, my friend...........Here's to 25 more.......
Love Ya,
How Wonderful
Congrats Kim, You are a great director and a "Wonder"ful coach. Here's to 25 more years!
Congrats, Kim, on your 25th year "in front" of MNC! Your dedication to the chorus and her goals has been outstanding ......... hence your history of high level entertainment with awards to show it! Here's to your continued success! Cheers .......... Portia
A rich history of constantly striving for barbershop excellence!
You've never 'cruised' along with all your talents, but have always looked for ways to help Metro Nashville rise up through the ranks year after year--through education, delegation of your talented Music/Administrative Staff (hey Natalie and Jennifer!!), and your willingness to mentor others, you and MNC deserve the accolades resulting from this wonderfully symbiotic relationship developed over the last 25 years!!
High Fives from High Country
Kim ~
We have had such an awesome time coaching with you!
Heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS from all in the Rockies at High Country Chorus!
You are a WONDER indeed!
Christina Monsolino, On behalf of HIGH COUNTRY CHORUS!!
Congratulations, Kim!
Congratulations on 25 years of directing! That's quite an accomplishment, and from what I can see, you just get better and better! We're all looking forward to the next 25 years!!
In harmony,
Kay Bromert, CMA