On 05 Oct, 2014 By Jennifer Palus ...
A highlight of MNC's October 4th A Cappella Cafe was Kim Wonders presenting the 2014 Vickie Wonders Foltz Memorial Scholarship to two talented young women: Ellen Sudarshan (Ravenwood High School) and Maddie Sampson (Father Ryan High School). These high school seniors have invested in their vocal skills and musical education, and both plan to pursue music majors. In their own words:
"Music brings people together in a way that not much else can. I would love to travel with a group and perform for schools of kids, especially since the arts are a dying form of academia in public education. I want kids to know that choral music, or a cappella pop covers, or jazz, or world music, anything, is amazing, just like every kid is incredibly unique and should be accepted." ~Ellen
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On 05 Aug, 2014 By Jennifer Palus ...
MNC is thrilled to have two coaching sessions with Jim Arns on 8/4 and 8/5. Jim has directed the Melodeers Chorus since 1988, and is one of an elite group of directors to receive the Master Director 700, created in 2009 by Sweet Adelines International to honor musical directors whose choruses score 700 points or more (out of a possible 800) in Regional Competitions. The Melodeers have won an astoundng 6 International Championships and are headed back to the stage in Baltimore.
Jim has been coaching MNC for four years, and every session is filled with wonderful ideas and keys to bring our musical product to the next level!
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On 22 May, 2014 By Jennifer Palus ...
Vickie Wonders Foltz (1953 – 2008)
A talented performer as well as a gifted coach and teacher, Vickie Wonders Foltz was a member of the Sweet Adeline International Faculty and the Artistic Director for Metro Nashville Chorus. The impact of her approach to barbershop showmanship can be seen and heard in choruses across the United States and as far away as Sweden and New Zealand. A teacher by profession and avocation, Vickie loved to work with young voices and help them bring their talents to new audiences.
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On 12 Mar, 2014 By Jennifer Palus ...
“Thrill of lifetime” was a phrase on many members’ lips when MNC sang at the Ryman Auditorium on Tuesday, March 4th. The event, hosted by Nashville In Harmony, brought five Nashville choruses together for a “Choral Blast.” And it was truly a blast!
As you may know, the Ryman Auditorium world-famous Nashville venue, best known as the most famous former home of the Grand Ole Opry (1943-1974). Its history goes back to 1892, when it originally opened as the Union Gospel Tabernacle. Its history as a house of worship can be seen in the stained glass windows and pews rather than seats.
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On 16 Feb, 2014 By Jennifer Palus ...
Kim Wonders, the Master Director of Metro Nashville Chorus, has been named a member of the International Faculty Program of Sweet Adelines International.
The International Faculty Program is designed to advance Sweet Adeline International’s mission and goals by ensuring that highly trained instructors are prepared to deliver internationally-sponsored and supported educational events. The international faculty is comprised of members of Sweet Adelines International who are proficient in vocal and visual performance, organizational management, and leadership development.
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On 01 Feb, 2014 By Jennifer Palus ...
One of MNC's members is also active in the Nashville Rollergirls (http://www.nashvillerollergirls.com), and on Saturday, February 1, an MNC ensemble sang at the Roller Derby half-time.
About 20 of our 60 members performed, to the delight of the crowds at the bout. Many of our members had never seen roller derby -- and we imagine many of those at the bout had never heard barbershop! So it was a great chance to share our respective hobby/passion. Thanks for inviting us to sing, Rollergirls!
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On 16 Dec, 2013 By Jennifer Palus ...
This Decemer, members of MNC added to holiday cheer at Williamson County Medical Center, the VA Hospital, Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, and the Main US Post Office. It's fun to sing in a lobby as people are hurrying through - because often they stop and listen and smile. At the VA, we were near an elevator, and when the doors opened at one point, a women came out and exclaimed "that's my favorite song!" She said we made her day -- and she made ours. Channel 5 News included us in our their news report about the busiest mailing day on 12/16/13 as well:
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On 14 Dec, 2013 By Jennifer Palus ...
MNC presented SILVER & GOLD at 2pm and 7pm on Saturday 12/14/13. Month of preparation culminated in two wonderful shows - featuring four quartets, the 2013 Holiday Chorus, and our special guests, Bone Therapy. We loved being in the Father Ryan HS Center for the Arts - a beautiful facility with terrific staff and student volunteers. In addition to holiday harmonies, the audience enjoyed our lobby sale and silent auction. It was wonderful to see so many of our supportive family and friends, as well as new friends!
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On 26 Oct, 2013 By Jennifer Palus ... With 1 Comments
On October 26, 35 girls age 14-25 joined MNC's clinicians for a day-long festival called YWISH: Young Women in Song and Harmony. They spent the day working on vocal production and choregraphy to prepare to perform that evening with MNC. The capacity crowd for the A cappella Cafe enjoyed songs by MNC, three quartets (Simplicty, Tessitura, and Some Assembly Required), and the 2013 YWISH Festival Chorus. The show closed with MNC joining the YWISH chorus on the risers for "You've Got a Friend in Me," a great ending for a day that was all about friendship, fun, and harmony!
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On 16 Oct, 2013 By Jennifer Palus ...
Metro Nashville Chorus welcomed new friends to the 2013 Holiday Chorus on 10/15/13. This free chorus joins MNC each week for rehearsals (Tuesday at 6:30pm) for about two months and then performs with MNC on several songs on their upcoming holiday show, Silver & Gold, which will be held Saturday 12/14/13 at 2pm and 7pm. Holiday chorus members do not need to know how to read music, they just need to love to sing.
Interested women can still join the Holiday Chorus -
learn more!
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