Kim Wonders, the Master Director of Metro Nashville Chorus, has been named a member of the International Faculty Program of Sweet Adelines International.
The International Faculty Program is designed to advance Sweet Adeline International’s mission and goals by ensuring that highly trained instructors are prepared to deliver internationally-sponsored and supported educational events. The international faculty is comprised of members of Sweet Adelines International who are proficient in vocal and visual performance, organizational management, and leadership development.
Kim Wonders has been an active member of Metro Nashville Chorus since 1979. She became chorus director in 1988. Kim also coaches quartets and chorus across the country, and as a member of Sweet Adelines Regional leadership and faculty she has focused her talents on developing effective educational events. As a member of the International Faculty, she will touch even more singers around the world.
"I have great respect for the International Faculty," said Wonders, "And I have enjoyed countless hours under their tutelage at International events. I am thrilled and honored to be part of the program."
About Kim Wonders
Kim Wonders taught for 31 years in the Metropolitan Nashville school system. She was the Music Department Chair and taught International Baccalaureate (IB) Music at Hunters Lane High School in Nashville. She wrote the Music Curriculum for the IB Program at Hunters Lane High School. Kim was the Choral Director at Hunters Lane for 24 years. Her choirs performed not only in Middle Tennessee for various civic and community organizations, but also performed in Chicago, Washington D.C., Boston, Toronto Ontario Canada, New Orleans, Cleveland Ohio, and at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
About Metro Nashville Chorus
Metro Nashville Chorus (www.metronashvillechorus.org) is the 2013 chorus champion in their region, which earned them the right to compete in the Sweet Adelines International contest in Baltimore in 2014. This will be their 9th trip to International. MNC was named International Mid-Size Chorus Champions for 2008 and 2012. They won first place in the small chorus division in 2006, making MNC the only chorus to have won gold in both size divisions of the annual Harmony Classic. Metro Nashville Chorus has performed and promoted the barbershop sound in middle Tennessee since 1971. Most of its 60 members live in the Nashville area but some come from Columbia, Knoxville, Memphis, Chattanooga, and Birmingham AL. Visitors and women who love to sing are invited to rehearsals each Tuesday at 6:30 at Forrest Hills United Methodist Church.
About Sweet Adelines International
Sweet Adelines International (www.sweetadelineintl.org) is the women’s counterpart of the men’s Barbershop Harmony Society. Membership includes almost 25,000 women, all singing in English. They represent choruses in most of the fifty United States as well as in Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, Wales and the Netherlands. There are also prospective choruses in Denmark, Greece and United Arab Emirates.
International Faculty Mission Statement
In support of the mission and policies of Sweet Adelines International, the members of the International Faculty Program commit to furthering the educational priorities of the organization, and to passionately deliver relevant information in consistent and effective ways, to teach and inspire others, and to be lifelong learners.